Contact Lens Spectrum Supplements

Special Edition 2016

Contact Lens Spectrum

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C O N T A C T L E N S S P E C T R U M S P E C I A L E D I T I O N 2 0 1 6 c l s p e c t r u m . c o m 16 INSIGHTS ON PROSPECTIVE CONTACT LENS WEARERS An estimated 46.6 million teens and adults can be classified as prospective contact lens wearers — people who currently wear eyeglasses but are interested in trying contact lenses — and based on population pro- jections, that number will rise by 3.2 million by 2025 (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). The projected growth of the 65+ age group during this time frame further underscores the importance of lens options that address the vision-correction needs of older adults, pri- marily presbyopia, but also contact lens-related dryness. Among contact lens wearers, more than 80% wear eyeglasses either part-time or as their primary means of vision correction (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). Practitioners should consider the possibility that these individuals are wearing eyeglasses because their contact lenses are falling short of their performance needs. This is an important avenue to explore because numerous con- tact lens options are available to address a wide range of patient needs. It is also important to ensure that patients' eyeglasses are updated and meeting their needs. Although cost is an important consideration for patients who need vision correction, contact lens wearers want their eyecare practitioners to share infor- mation about advances in lens technology (Rah et al, 2015). Whether they wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, patients are eager to learn what is new, and they appreci- ate a practitioner who takes a fresh look at their visual needs and educates them about the latest options. PERCEPTIONS OF CONTACT LENSES VS. EYEGLASSES A majority of vision-corrected consumers view contact lenses as equal to or better than eyeglasses overall. Im- proved appearance tops the list of advantages; however, in addition to appearance, many prospective wearers focus on the advantages of contact lenses for fitting their life- style and providing comfort and sharp vision correction (Figure 5). When asked to name the pri- mary disadvantages of wearing contact lenses, the number one reason prospective wearers cite is cost (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). The value that in- novative contact lens technology can bring to appearance, lifestyle, comfort, and vision should be key communication points to re- duce cost concerns. For example, someone who has been emme- tropic all of her life and now needs presbyopic correction may be more than willing to give up the hassle — not to mention the aging appearance — of readers for comfort- able all-day correction with multifocal contact lenses. Another option that is sometimes overlooked is part- time contact lens wear, which is a cost-effective way for many patients to enjoy the benefits of this modal- ity. Learning that contact lenses and eyeglasses are not mutually exclusive, patients may appreciate having a choice for specific occasions or activities. RECAPTURING DROPOUTS, OVERCOMING BARRIERS One in five people who now wear only eyeglasses report that they had worn contact lenses at some point in their past (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). The largest groups who are likely to have worn contact lenses in the past are people with astigmatism or presbyopia (Multi-sponsor Sur- veys, Inc., 2015a). Presbyopic patients wearing monovision or multifocal contact lenses are prime candidates for discon- tinuing contact lenses (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). Figure 4. Comfort and quality of vision top the list of factors important to patients when selecting a contact lens brand (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). Figure 5. Understanding what is important to prospec- tive contact lens wearers can guide in-office discussions (Multi-sponsor Surveys, Inc., 2015a). Reasons Prospective Wearers Rate Contact Lenses as Better than Eyeglasses • Appearance • Fits Lifestyle • Comfort • Provide Sharp Vision Continued on p.18 UNT APPED OPPOR TUNITIES

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